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Massage involves using the hands in a therapeutic manner in order to move, mobilise and manipulate soft tissues.


Massage has many benefits including pain relief, reducing stiffness and improving circulation, wellbeing and performance. 


All animals can benefit from massage - from the older animal to sporting animals and those recovering from injury.

Passive range of motion, stretches & joint mobilisations

Stretching is a technique used to lengthen and mobilise soft tissues. Similarly to how we may stretch after a run, stretching is useful for animals. It can reduce muscle soreness and improve flexibility, posture, function and performance.


Passive range of motion involves gentle movements of joints through their available range of movement, in order to reduce stiffness, prevent soft tissue contracture, and improve comfort and mobility. 


Joint mobilisations involve gentle, small passive movements applied within the joints. 


They are beneficial for:

  • Pain management

  • Restoring Function

  • Improving range of motion

  • Reducing muscle spasm

  • Improving joint health and nutrition


LASER Treatment

(Light Amplification By Stimulated Emission of Radiation)


LASER therapy is a non invasive complementary therapy. Animals tend to thoroughly enjoy LASER and find it very relaxing. Improvements are usually seen after 1-3 sessions; you may find them returning back to their “old selves” again as they are feeling more comfortable.  


LASER involves application of a specific wavelength of light to the target area. There are aspects of LASER light which brings about positive biological changes when absorbed by the tissues.


The 3 main benefits of LASER are:


1. Pain Relief

This works via increasing release  of endorphins and serotonin, and suppressing the action of nociceptors (pain receptors). 


2. Healing

LASER increases blood flow and increases the production of ATP (energy) within the cell's mitochondria which increases cell metabolism - this speeds up the healing process. LASER also increases collagen formation which aids healing of soft tissue injuries. 


3. Reduction of inflammation 

LASER reduces inflammation by increasing inflammatory mediators (chemicals involved in reducing inflammation).​


Indications for LASER therapy:

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Pain or stiffness

  • Acute and chronic injuries

  • Inflammation or swelling

  • Sprains & strains 

  • Spinal / Disc problems

  • Ligament and tendon healing

  • Hip / elbow disease or dysplasia 

  • Patella luxation

  • Muscle tension

  • Nerve regeneration (neovascularisation)

  • Wound healing and lick granulomas

PEMFT Therapy

(Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy)


PEMFT involves the application of pulsed electromagnetic fields to an area. This delivery of high frequency waves to tissues alters cellular environments which can be useful for a variety of conditions. 


PEMFT is used for treating chronic or acute pain, promoting fracture healing and soft tissue healing, and reducing swelling and inflammation. Therefore, it is a useful modality for both orthopaedic and neurological conditions. 


PEMFT is a highly relaxing treatment for patients.


Please be aware of contraindications including epilepsy and pregnancy (in dog or owner), 

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Prescription Exercises

At Head to Tail a tailored treatment plan for each client will be created, including home management, prescribed exercises, details on how to carry them out and the benefits of each. Head to Tail works closely with each owner to establish an effective yet practical treatment plan to suit both animal and owner. 


Exercises are prescribed in order to improve:

  • Proprioception (sensory awareness)

  • Mobility and flexibility

  • Strength and muscle mass

All of which facilitate recovery, reduce injury risk and  improve daily function and quality of life.  


Reiki complements and supports conventional veterinary care. It is a natural, calm therapy that promotes the body’s natural process of self-healing and is enjoyed by many animals. Reiki may be experienced as a flow of energy, mild tingling, warmth or coolness, or nothing felt at all. Some animals may wish to sniff a practitioners hands or step away slightly. Others may come closer offering their sore areas to the therapist.


Benefits of Reiki for animals include:

  • Greater comfort, reduction of pain

  • Improved feeling of wellbeing

  • Promotion of relaxation which sometimes can lead to sleep

  • Peaceful transition for animals’ ready to pass over



Acupressure balances the body's energy by applying light touch to specific points along energy channels. Acupressure uses the same theory as acupuncture, except it is the hands in contact with the points rather than needles, making it a non-invasive treatment.The soft internal organs are connected to the skeleton by a series of energy channels. When touch is held on an acupoint, blood flow increases to the area , allowing energy to flow and Chi (energy) to be restored. 


Benefits of acupressure include:

  • Release of endorphins, helping to reduce pain

  • Release muscle spasm

  • Improve blood supply

  • Aid healing

  • Remove toxins

  • Enhance mental clarity

  • Improve the body's immune system


(Please note - Used in conjunction with other therapies only

(Included in hourly rate)



Covering areas of:




South Manchester

Opening Hours:

Mon - Fri: 8am - 8pm 

​​Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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© 2024 by Lily Nye, Owner of Head to Tail Vet Physio​

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