​Veterinary Physiotherapy involves the assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal or neurological conditions in animals. An assessment involves observing the animal's static posture, movement and gait, manual palpation to assess the body's soft tissue structures and assessment of available movement throughout the body. Assessments also require careful consideration of all aspects of the animal's environment, lifestyle, conformation, genetics, anatomy and function. Therefore, veterinary physiotherapists require a good level of knowledge of animal anatomy and what can happen in injury or disease. Similarly, treatment involves a multimodal approach, often involving manual therapy, electrotherapy and remedial exercise in order to reduce pain, restore function and improve performance.

LASER treatment for elbow arthritis

Head to Tail Veterinary Physiotherapy specialises in the assessment and treatment of canines. All dogs, no matter the breed, shape, size or lifestyle, can benefit from physiotherapy in terms of improvements in their physical and mental wellbeing. Physiotherapy provides effective pain relief, aids healing of soft tissue injuries and facilitates return to normal functioning post injury or surgery. It is used to manage short or long term diseases, and can also help to improve fitness levels and performance of the sporting dog whilst simultaneously reducing risk of injury.
Common Conditions Treated:
Cruciate Ligament Injury
Hip / Elbow Dysplasia
Soft tissue injuries
Achilles tendon injury
Inteverebtral Disc Disease
Spinal injury
Degenerative mylopathy
Joint and soft tissue injuries
Other indications:
Stiffness or lameness
Licking at an area
Changes in behaviour, slowing down on walks, lethargy
Post-operative rehabiltation
Pre-operative rehabilitation
Sporting dogs - agility, canicross, flyball, particuarly active lifestyles
A client's dog enjoying a hike in the Peak District

Massage for back pain following an ill-fitting saddle

LASER treatment to address areas of tension

Physiotherapy holds many physical and psychological benefits for horses, whether they are a happy hacker or a top competition horse. The main aims of physiotherapy are to reduce pain, improve movement, gait and function and enhance overall performance. As horses are prey animals, they can be very good at hiding pain and discomfort. Therefore, Head to Tail carries out a detailed assessment (watching movement and assessing the soft tissues) to establish areas where your horse may be holding tension. With a combination of manual therapies and electrotherapies, physiotherapy has the potential to greatly improve your horse's comfort, wellbeing and performance.
Common Conditions Treated:
Tendon or Ligament Injury
Kissing Spine
Muscle Strain
Wound healing
Other indications:
Saddle problems / back pain
Struggling on one rein
Change in behaviour
Pre / post competition
Signs of pain
Reduced performance
Recovering post injury
Recovering post surgery
Small animals (rabbits, cats etc) can greatly benefit from physiotherapy, in the same way that humans, dogs and horses can. Head to Tail is particularly passionate about rabbit welfare and has experienced first hand the many benefits or physiotherapy for rabbits. Age-related arthritis affecting the joints is very common in older rabbits. Rabbits can be treated with a combination of electrotherapies, manual therapies and remedial exercises which help to keep them pain free, mobile and able to carry out their normal daily activities. With a wealth of experience with a variety of animals, and a broad, open-minded approach to assessment and treatment, Head to Tail is qualified and equipped to treat any animal.
Common Conditions Treated:
Neurological conditions (e.g. rabbits - complications from E. Cuniculi)
Road traffic accident
Soft tissue injuries / wound healing
Other indications:
Struggling to groom themselves
Changes in behaviour, lethargy