First of all, we will have a chat about your animal, to find out some important history and lifestyle factors, such as exercise, diet, routines, your main goals and any concerns you have.
Then, I can assess your animal in various ways, including:​
Static assessment - while your animal stands still, I assess body condition score, posture, muscle mass, weight bearing, symmetry / asymmetry​
Dynamic Assessment - here I watch your animal move, at a walk and possibly a trot, looking out for lameness, stride lengths, active range of motion.
Palpation and passive range of motion - this involves assessing your animal's muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments, looking for areas of abnormalities, restrictions, soreness, tightness etc. ​
Next, I can treat your animal, using manual techniques and electrotherapies.
Following treatment, I will provide you with home care advice which may include management strategies and/or exercise prescription.
Follow up appointments are similar, involving assessment and treatment, and I will be looking for changes in your animal and adapting the treatment modalities as appropriate.
Veterinary Referral
Prior to your initial appointment, Head to Tail requires a completed veterinary referral form signed by your vet.
Head to Tail vet physio works alongside your vet to ensure the needs of you and your animal are met. Under the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 / Veterinary Exemptions order 2015, Veterinary Physiotherapists are required to work under veterinary consent, and so require veterinary referral prior to assessment and treatment. This allows for continuous discussion between owner, vet and physio, all in the best interests of the animal. Please ask your vet to complete the form for you, or alternatively supply me with your details and I can contact your vet on your behalf.

Physiotherapy Initial Consultation
Approx 1hr 30 mins
Physiotherapy Follow up Appointments
Approx 1 hour
Approx 1 hour
Nearly all insurance plans will cover your for physiotherapy under "complementary therapies".
At Head to Tail Veterinary Physiotherapy, we are committed to providing high-quality care to our clients and their pets. We work with all major insurance providers to ensure that our clients can access the care they need. Lily is more than happy to help with insurance inquiries or in sending off a claim.